




Ecole doctorale

Double diplômation

Vie estudiantine

Service & Centre


Note aux doctorants en Informatique de la FSEGS
Date de création: 23 Avr 2018 / 1012 Vue(s)
 Monsieur Justas Trinkunas, enseignant-chercheur à Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) of Lithuania, donnera une formation de 8h portant sur " Information systems project management"  et présentera le SCRUM Framework et le JIRA Software, et ce durant la période du 4 au 5 Mai 2018 à la FSEGS.


Les doctorats qui participeront à cette formation auront une attestation et bénéficieront de 2 crédits.

Pour s'inscrire à cette formation, il faut déposer une demande à l'école doctorale de la FSEGS en indiquant le nom du doctorant, l'année d'inscription en thèse, le sujet de la thèse et le nom du directeur de la thèse. 

Le nombre de place est limité et l'inscription est gratuite.


About the lecturer:

Justas Trinkunas was born on 1981 in Vilnius, Lithuania. In 2000, he entered Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), the Faculty of Fundamental Sciencesfor bachelor studies and in 2010,he obtained doctors degree and started lecturing and research work. The main research topics are modern information systems, eHealth, information systems development using ontology, matamodel based transformations, business process modelling, business process simulation and business rules. In addition, he is working as information systems project manager in Information Systems Department, Vilnius University Hospital SantarosKlinikos. Main responsibilities are to analyse and identify key stakeholder needs,prepare and specify detailed user stories in Jira system for cross-functional teams,prepare, maintain and prioritise product backlog and assure quality of the product.

Goal of the visit:

·       Additional and extended knowledge about agile project management and application of the emerging information systems software engineering;

·       Technologies and methods to support business objectives;

·       Training of further discussion and critical thinking.

Content of the teaching programme:

·       Introduction to information systems project management;

·       Practical experience of information systems project management;

·       SCRUM artefacts, SCRUM lifecycle, product backlog management, SCRUM sprint planning and execution;

·       Learning SCRUM through practical exercises;

·       Project tracking for teams –practical demonstration of JIRA software.